Assignment 5

Health+ Safety working practices

When using the computer there are different health and safety steps when using a computer and these steps are:

When using a computer you need to make sure the Lighting in the room is alright to work in so then when you are using the computer the lighting in the room isn’t putting any strain on your eyes so then you can concentrate on the work that you are doing.

When using a computer you need an Adjustable Chair to sit on so if you feel uncomfortable sitting on the chair you can always adjust the height of the chair so then you won’t get any back pain.

When using a computer you have to make sure that the top of the screen is at eye level so then you won’t strain your eyes.

When using a computer you have to have sufficient space for your wrists to sit then you won’t put any strain on your wrists and won’t have a really bad pain in it.

When using a computer your forearms roughly have to be horizontal instead of vertical because if you have them vertical then you might end up getting a really bad pain in both of your arms and you mightn’t be able to type.

When using a computer you have to make sure that there isn’t too many wires hanging out so then you won’t trip on the lead and hurt yourself or someone else.





When using a computer you have to make sure you take regular breaks because if you don’t you will fall asleep or you will get pins and needles in your feet so that is why you need to take a break and walk about for 5 or 6 minutes


When using a computer you have to make sure that all bags are under desks so then there are no tripping hazards and nobody will trip over bags and hurt themselves if they are under desks in the classroom.














When using a computer your writing has to be a big size of writing like 14 or 16 because if it is a size 12 you wouldn’t be able to read and this might put a strain on your eyes and give you bad pains on your eyes and you eyes might get very blurred.











When using the computer there are different health and safety steps when connecting peripherals.

When connecting peripherals like scanners, printers, speakers, digital camera  you have to make sure that all plugs are switched off at the wall or disconnect the whole thing so then you wont get an electric shock.

When connecting the peripherals you have to put all the different wires in the different holes where the different wires are supposed to go in the back of a computer or a laptop or a Netbook.





After you connect the peripherals you switch on the plugs and go through all the steps to make sure that the printer, scanner and speakers  is working and running properly so then to make sure there is no problems with the printer, scanner and speakers and switch them on one at a time to make sure they are all working properly and there is sound coming out of the speakers. Make sure there is a noise coming out of the printer because that means its working.